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How did I drive up my reader stats?

What will increase your web-blog traffic the most - getting aggregated into a well known site like All About Agile  or pictures of dogs?

Well it may be too early to tell for sure.  But here are some early stats.

Daily stats for the week that my site was added to All About Agile some time Saturday.  I see traffic up about 100+ page loads.  That's great - wonderful.

However that's just one data point, and one aspect of the study.  What drives traffic to a blog?

I have another data point.  In late November I added about 12 dog photos on a post about story estimation.  How has that effected traffic?
Here we see monthly (not daily) page load counts.  That spike in December, 90% is the dog story from Nov 28th.  Below are individual pages, my site sees a few hits a day per story - until aggregated with All About Agile, then it bounces into the 20 - 35 range.  But nothing compares to pictures of puppy dogs!

So go ahead... I know you want to look at the dogs.

Dog Grooming Exercise

Practice story estimation techniques with this exercise in dog grooming.
